My Road Trip Guide

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The Power of Laughter:  Using Humor and Laughter to Communicate to Break down Barriers.

Humor serves a purpose. It is vital for a healthy existence. It’s a form of stimulation (voluntary & involuntary) which enables us to reduce stress and cope with awkward and/or difficult situations. However, it’s important to remember that humor to one person can be annoying and/ or offensive to others. It’s imperative we use humor appropriately in the workplace, as it has the potential of creating an awesome place to work, if used properly.

The goal of humor is to unify; to create an understanding and connection of mutual respect. This is the desired outcome. A very important fact about humor is…it’s FREE!

Humor shows understanding of agreement to liking or loving another person. The presence of humor usually results in laughter and people are hardwired to laughter. The laughter experienced enables the participants to feel better. It is both primitive and unconscious. When laughter emanates from within, it’s involuntary, it’s guttural, our body may shake, jerk, or vibrate, and it’s usually spontaneous. When our body responds, the endorphins (feel good chemicals) are released, and we feel better than prior to the laughter. There’s no way of stopping it! It’s the kind of laughter that fills the body with energy and joy!

When communicating, and humor is the goal, be considerate of the people present. What are you hoping to accomplish? What is the focus of your humor? Avoid stereotypes and humor directed at others. Instead, consider the topics below that are less likely to be offensive to others.

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