The Garden: Nurturing and Celebrating the Diversity that Surrounds Us

Imagine a garden in which every plant looks like every other plant.  There are no differences.  Boring!  I’ve never seen a garden like this, nor can I get enthusiastic about viewing it. When we think of gardens, we usually think of the beauty of the diversity in the plants and flowers, unless it is otherwise stated.

When we hear the word diversity, we have come to associate the word with people.  The conversation becomes how beneficial it is to engage in activities, work and social, that are diverse.  We associate diversity with external factors.  Instead, let us focus on the diversity of the different environments, those spaces we find ourselves in from time to time.

Begin with Self.  You’re diverse. All areas of your life are examples of diversity.  The foods you consume, clothes you wear, places you go, social, entertainment, etc.  Diversity.  Try to eliminate this diversity from your life and see what you have.  It’s impossible. Sometimes we express a preference as the ‘only’ choice (wearing purple clothes), making that choice a non-diverse option. Regardless of it being our preference, it’s still diverse. Think about it.

Consider the interests you have. Thinking specifically of places and things, how do they individually contribute to your being who you are?  Look closely.  What specific benefits do you get from the diversity of your interests? How have your interests grown, expanded, or changed over the years and why? How have you grown in the past as a result of your engagement in these interests? How are they continuing to help you to grow as a person? What new skills or knowledge have you obtained?  How can you use this information to benefit you now and in the future? How will you continue to expand on your interests? Try to imagine the person you’d be without the diversity of interests in your life.  Do you see yourself as being the same person?  How would/could you be different?  Is that a difference you could accept?

Our chosen careers are representative of who we are, or who we strive to be in the future.  Looking at your career/job, how diverse are the skills required for you to be successful? What skills are no longer needed?  What potential skills do you anticipate needing in the future and why?

Before moving on to the familiar topic of diversity in people, let’s explore an area we seldom discuss yet experience regularly.  The diversity of our 5 senses. There are constant changes here!  What appeals one day can be offensive the next.  Yet we accept, adjust, find new products, and move on.  Our senses are an excellent marketing tool, as we often change our preferences for many reasons, one being something new and different.   We want to be different, stand out from the rest, and we are willing to pay the price to make it happen.   The diversity provided by our senses can be used to enhance who we are as individuals.  It enables us to somewhat control what others experience in our presence, sometimes.

So, what are we sharing with others?  How about the cultural experiences we’ve had either past, present, or planned for the future.  As we discussed our interests, how many could have been shared (if they weren’t) with other people and how might you have benefitted? Think about the people who are a part of your private or work environments.  What diversity do they provide and how does it benefit you? How are you benefiting others in your presence from a diverse perspective?

When looking at environments as patches in the garden of your life, we see diverse patches of people, places, things, and senses contributing to your identity, who you are. These contributions enhance the garden of your life, enabling you to bloom and expand in ways you may not have considered,positively impacting others.

Lillian Jones Consulting

My Road Trip Guide for My Personal Journey is a valuable tool if the reader is willing to take time to engage in the activities, reflect on the lessons learned, and incorporate this new knowledge into their daily lives.

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