My Road Trip Guide

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The Power of the Unconscious Mind: How It Shapes Our Thoughts and Behaviors

The definition of unconscious is ‘not aware.’  There is a 3-step process that’s impacted by our unconscious mind. First our thoughts impact how we feel, then our feelings determine our behavior.

Where did that thought come from? Our thoughts are automatic, they originate in the subconscious mind, and we cannot control them! Most of our thoughts originate in childhood. This becomes evident when we have the same childhood fears resurfacing in our adult life and we have the same reaction. This is usually referred to by others as childish behavior. Our goal is to choose thoughts that reflect our values, who we are, our feelings, and the behaviors that follow. We can use reasoning and facts (Girish Dutt Shukla) as tools to achieve our desired goal.

Our feelings are key to any action taking place. It’s the glue that holds the whole process together. Without feeling, there would be no reason to observe, participate, or even care. Once our thoughts have been acknowledged, how do we feel about the thoughts? Danger! Danger! Thoughts are unconscious, unaware, and there’s no control!  They do not care about you! You must beware and aware of the context your feelings are about to dive into. But you won’t. We justify our feelings and our thoughts (the source) as this is a quick fix and because that’s what you’re expected to do.

Before proceeding, we should revisit the original thought and consider its source. What was the context and the environment at the time it was created. There may be clues. This generally doesn’t happen either.

Our behavior can have a lasting impression. It tends to reflect the intensity of the feeling associated with the original thought. If the thought is flawed, this is reflected in the behavior, which may result in unexpected consequences. It’s not uncommon for an incorrect thought to elicit feelings detrimental to others.  Without control, random thoughts are not grounded in reality. The power of any thought will be reflected in the feelings and subsequent behaviors. Watch Your Thoughts!