Module06- Generations
Many people will spend some time during their day in a multi-generational environment. It could be at home, at work, during a social engagement, leisure time(mall), or family activities. How comfortable are you interacting with someone younger or older than yourself? When we acknowledge people have value at every age, we become the recipients of their knowledge and experience, if we choose to listen. What external forces (country & world issues) have had the greatest impact on your generation and your life? What amazes you about the lives of others?
Many people will spend some time during their day in a multi-generational environment. It could be at home, at work, during a social engagement, leisure time(mall), or family activities. How comfortable are you interacting with someone younger or older than yourself? When we acknowledge people have value at every age, we become the recipients of their knowledge and experience, if we choose to listen. What external forces (country & world issues) have had the greatest impact on your generation and your life? What amazes you about the lives of others?
Many people will spend some time during their day in a multi-generational environment. It could be at home, at work, during a social engagement, leisure time(mall), or family activities. How comfortable are you interacting with someone younger or older than yourself? When we acknowledge people have value at every age, we become the recipients of their knowledge and experience, if we choose to listen. What external forces (country & world issues) have had the greatest impact on your generation and your life? What amazes you about the lives of others?